Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stunning setting for Easter worship under the Koolau mountains this morning #fb

There is something powerful about sitting under the shadow of towering mountains for worship. I grasp with new awe the majesty of God through the power of His Creation, and I am made aware of His care for me.

Our church, First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu, purchased and moved to the 241-acre Ko‘olau Golf Club [] two-and-a-half years ago. It’s just over the Pali on the windward side of the island of O‘ahu in Hawai‘i. In fact, if you go up to the famous Pali Lookout and look straight down, you will see the golf course and the club house, which houses the church facilities. Yes, people still play golf there (it’s considered the most difficult in the nation). But on Easter weekend we close off the driving range to hold outdoor Easter worship services, this year at 6 am and 11:11 am.

Our contemporary worship leader, Cory Oliveros, and his team did an awesome job with the music – as always.We had the Hawaiian

E komo mai! Come and visit some time.

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